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50 + general knowledge

 1. Which Water Body separates the  Andaman and Nicobar Islands ?

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Ans 10 degree channels

2. Who was the first Muslim President of the Indian National congress ?

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Ans: Badaruddin Tyabji.

3. Which among the following is the hottest planet in the solar system ?

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Ans: Venus

4. The protocol signed to reduce the production of CFC is known as ?

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Ans : Montreal Protocol

5. Who among these is the founder of WhatsApp ?

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6. Who among these is the founder of Twitter ?

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Ans : Jan Dorsey.

7. When was the Civil Disobedience Movement launched ?

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Ans: April 6 1930.

8. Which of the following state  in India has the largest population?

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Ans: Uttar Pradesh

9. Where is the deepest part of worlds ocean located ?

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Ans : Pacific Ocean.

10. The worlds earth day is observed every day on which date?

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Ans: 22 April.

11. How many times the President of India can seek re-election to his post?

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Ans: Any number of times.

12. Who said that a state is a territorial society divided into government and the subject?

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Ans: Laski.

13. When is International Mothers language day celebrated? 

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Ans: 21 February.

14. Name the Father of the Indian constitution?

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Ans: Dr. B R Ambedkar.

15. Who penned the book 'Wings of Fire'?

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Ans: Dr. B R Ambedkar.

16. Name the smallest bone in the human body?

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Ans: Stapes.

17. Name the country which has no capital?

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Ans: Nauru.

18. Bucharest is the capital of which country?

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Ans: Romania.

19. Which one of the following rivers crosses the  equator two times?

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Ans: Congo.

20. Which day is celebrated as ''World Ozone Day''?

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 Ans: 16 september.

21. What is the color of the sky to an astronaut in outer space?

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Ans: Black.

22. Who is the first Indian woman to win the ''Man Booker Prize''?

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Ans: Arundhati Roy.

23. The Finance commission is constituted under article ........... of the constitution of India.

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Ans: 280.

24. The Nalanda university was founded by.....?

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Ans: Kumar Gupta

25. Regular freight train service started on the recently started Haldibari (West bengal) in India and Chilhati rail route in Bangladesh. When was this train closed?

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Ans: 1965.

26. Deficiency of which of these vitamin causes anemia in humans?

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Ans: Vitamin B12.

27. Which planet falls under the category of the coldest planet in the solar system?

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Ans: Uranus.

28. Which article is associated with the ''Right to Education''?

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Ans: Article 21A.

29. Which port is said to be developed as the first green port of India?

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Ans: Haldia port.

30. What is the name of the island that is located between India and Sri Lanka?

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Ans: Kachchatheevu.

31. Which vitamins helps in the formation of nucleic and red blood cells?

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Ans: Vitamin B10.

32. Which of the year Manipur state get its complete livelihood?

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Ans: January 21 1972.

33. Which of the chemical is used in killing rats?

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Ans: Zinc phosphide.

34. Which elements isotope is used in the calculation of the age of the earth?

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Ans: Carbon.

35. Which is the currency of Chile?

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Ans: Peso.

36. Which viceroy is known as ''Father of Indian Railways''?

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Ans: Lord Dalhousie.

37. Who is the leader of the Revolt of 1857 from Lucknow?

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Ans: Begum Hazrat Mahal.

38. Who invented the ''Quantum Theory of Radiation''?

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Ans: Planck.

39. Which is the largest plateau in the world?

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Ans: Tibetan plateau

40. Which countries capital is Bangkok and is the leading producer of rubber?

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Ans: Thailand

41. Rome the capital city of Italy is situated on the bank of which of the rivers?

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Ans: Tiber.

42. Which fungus is responsible for the red root of sugarcane?

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Ans: Colletotrichum Falcatum.

43. Which Indian state has the longest coastline?

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Ans: Gujarat

44. Who is the author of the famous book ''The God of small Things''?

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Ans: Arundhati Roy

45. Due to which phenomenon is the skys colour is blue?

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Ans: Scattering of light.

46. Which amendment act of the Indian Constitution introduce the panchayats?

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Ans: 73rd.

47. Which planet in the solar system is known as the ''Morning star''?

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Ans: Venus

48. Who discovered Stethoscope?

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Ans: Rene Laennec.

49. Where is the Indian Grape Processing board located?

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Ans: Pune.

50. The Blue Revolution mainly focuses on increasing the production of which product?

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Ans: Fish.

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