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1. Who introduced the token currency for the first time in India ?

     a. Muhammad-bin-Tughlag

     b. Shah Jahan

     c. babar

     d. Shivaji

Ans: a.

2. Which new city did Akbar build near Agra ?

    a. Vrindavan

    b. Shahjahanbad

    c. Fatehpur Sikri

    d. None of these

Ans: c.

3. Name the last Mughal Emperor to sit on the Peacock Throne.

    a. Muhammad Ibrahim

    b. Ahmad Shah

    c. Muhammad Shah

    d. Azam Shah

Ans: c.

4. Who was the founder of the holy city of Amritsar ?

a. Guru Nanak 

b. Guru Ram Das 

c. Ranjit Singh

d. Sri Govind Singh

Ans: b.

5. During whose reign did Mahakavi Kalidas live ?

a. Chandragupta -II

b. Samudragupta

c. Ashoka the Great

d. Chandragupta Maurya

Ans: a.

6. Who was the first Indian emperor to be depicted on a coin featuring a veena ?

a. Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq

b. Akbar

c. Sher Shah Suri

d. Samudragupta

Ans: d.

7. Who, according to Jains, was the founder of Jaiunsm ?

a. Rishabhadeva

b. Mahavira

c. Arishtanemi

d. Samudragupta

Ans: a.

8. Ashoka the Great ruled India in ________.

a. third century B.C.

b. third century A.D.

c. second century B.C.

d. second century A.D.

Ans: a.

9. Kautilya was the Prime Minister of Chandragupta. Real name of Kautilya is _______.

a. Chanakya

b. Radhagupta

c. Rakshasa

d. Bindusara

Ans: a.

10. Sarnath's Lion Capital is attributed to :

a. Kanishka

b. Harshavardhana

c. Ashoka

d. Chandragupta

Ans: c.

11. Shaka era was founded by :

a. Ashoka

b. Harsha

c. Kanishka

d. Vikramaditya

Ans: c.

12. Ajanta paintings depicted scenes from the :

a. Ramayana

b. Mahabharata

c. Jatakas

d. Upanishads

Ans: c.

13. Which one amongst the following is the oldest Dynasty ?

a. Pallava Dynasty

b. Chola Dynasty

c. Maurya Dynasty

d. Gupta Dynasty

Ans: c.

14. Hieun Tsang, the Chinese pilgrim, visited India during the reign of :

a. Chandragupta - I

b. Kanishka

c. Ashoka

d. Harshavardhana

Ans: d.

15. The rock-cut caves at Elephanta belong to the period of :

a. Rashtrakutas

b. Chalukyas

c. Satavahanas

d. Vakatakas

Ans: b.

16. Who build the famous Dilwara temple at Mount Abu in the 13th century ?

a. Mahendrapala

b. Devpala

c. Rajyapala

d. Vastapul Tejpal

Ans: d.

17. The statue of Gommateshwara at Shravanabelagola was built by :

a. Chandragupta Maurya

b. Kharavela

c. Amoghavarsha

d. Chamundaraya

Ans: d.

18. The famous book geet Govind was Written by :

a. Mirabai

b. Kalidas

c. Banabhatta

d. Jayadeva

Ans: d.

19. Kamarupa was the oldest name of :

a. Bengal

b. Bihar

c. Odisha

d. Assam

Ans: d.

20. Who among the following called himself as the ' Second Alexander' ?

a. Alauddin Khilji

b. Samudragupta

c. Chandragupta -II

d. Kanishka

Ans: a.

21. The first Muslim invasion of India was led by :

a. Mahmud of Ghazni

b. Muhammad Ghori

c. Muhammad-bin-Qasim

d. Timur

Ans: c.

22. Timur invaded India during the reign of :

a. Alauddin Khilji

b. Bahlol Lodi

c. Firuz Shah Tughlaq

d. Nasiruddin Mehmud

Ans: d.

23. The city of Agra was founded in 1504 by :

a. Rana sanga

b. Ibrahim Lodhi

c. Firuz Shah Tughlaq

d. Sikandar Lodi

Ans: d.

24. Which sufi saint's dargah is at Ajmer ?

a. Salim chisti

b. Moinuddin Chishti

c. Baba Farid

d. Hazrat Nizamuddin

Ans: b.

25. Akbar assumed actual control over the administration of his empire in :

a. 1556

b. 1562

c. 1558

d. 1560

Ans: a.

26. The coin Rupia was first issued by :

a. Sher Shah Suri

b. Alauddin Khilji

c. Akbar

d. Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq

Ans: a.

27. Who was the ruler of medieval India who is credited with the building of the Grand Trunk Road ?

a. Babar

b. Sher Shah Suri

c. Jahangir

d. Krishnadeva Raya

Ans: b.

28. Akbar founded his own religion known as 'Din-i-Ilahi' which means :

a. house of worship

b. universal peace

c. divine faith

d. none of these

Ans:  c.

29. When did Vasco da Gama come to India ?

a. 1492

b. 1498

c. 1398

d. 1542

Ans: b.

30. Shivaji was crowned as an independent king at :

a. Poona

b. Surat

c. Raigarh

d. Singhagarh

Ans: c.

31. Tipu Sultan ruled from :

a. Srirangapatna

b. Mysore

c. Halebid

d. Belur

Ans: a.

32. Which Indian king requested Napoleon for helf to drive the British From India ?

a. Rani of Jhansi

b. Jai Singh

c. Shivaji

d. Tipu Sultan

Ans: d.

33. The capital of the kingdom of Maharaja Ranjit Singh was :

a. Patiala

b. Amritsar

c. Lahore

d. Kapurthala

Ans: c.

34. India's famous Peacock Throne and the diamond Koh-e-Noor were taken away by :

a. Ahmad Shah Abdali

b. Muhammad Ghori

c. Nadir Shah

d. Robert Clive

Ans: c.

35. The Third Battle of Panipat was fought in the year :

a. 1707

b. 1739

c. 1757

d. 1761

Ans: d.

36. Who among the following was called as 'Father of Indian Renaissance' ?

a. Bal Gangadhar Tilak

b. Gopal Krishna Gokhale

c. Lala Lajpat Rai

d. Raja Ram Mohan Roy

Ans: d.

37. Which of the following Mughal emperor's tomb is outside India ?

a. Jahangir

b. Akbar

c. Shah Jahan

d. Aurangzeb

Ans: a.

38. Where did Buddha preach his first sermon ?

a. Meerut

b. Sarnath

c. Lumbini

d. Sanchi

Ans: b.

39. ____________ metal was first used by the Vedic people.

a. Zinc

b. Iron

c. Silver

d. Copper

Ans: d.

40. In the court of which king did Bana Bhatta live ?

a. Yashovarman

b. Harshvardhana

c. Pulakesin II

d. Samudragupta

Ans: b.

41. Name the revenue item that was collected only in cash under the Mauryas.

a. Bhaga 

b. Pranaya

c. Hiranya

d. Kara

Ans: c.

42. __________ were the immediate successors of the Mauryas in Magadha.

a. Pandyas

b. Satavahanas

c. Kushanas

d. Sungas

Ans: d.

43. __________ was the capital of the Haryanka King Bimbisara.

a. Ujjain

b. Champa

c. Rajagriha or Girivraya

d. Vaishali

Ans: c.

44. Name the Indian ruler East India Company was set up.

a. Jahangir

b. Akbar

c. Humayun

d. Aurangzeb

Ans: b.

45. __________ is the monument at Delhi which is the precurssor of the Taj Mahal.

a. The Moti Masjid at Lal Qila

b. The Safdarjung tomb

c. Humayun's tomb

d. None of these

Ans: c.

46. ___________ was the first Indian ruler to face the invasions of Mahmud of Ghazni.

a. Prithvi Raj  Chauhan

b. Jayachandra of the Gahadavala dynasty

c. The Shaka King, Jaipala

d. None of these

Ans: c.

47. Name the Sultan of Delhi who brought Ashoka's pillar to Delhi.

a. Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq

b. Qutub-ud-din Aibak

c. Firuz Shah Tughlaq

d. Jalaluddin Khilji

Ans: c.

48. _________ laid the foundation of the Mughal rule in India.

a. Battle of Talikota

b. Battle of Plassey

c. First Battle of Panpat

d. None of these

Ans: c.

49. What was the decisive battle which Babur fought in India ?

a. The battle of Panipat

b. The battle of Khanua

c. The battle of Chanderi

d. The battle of Ghanghara

Ans: b.

50. When was the Somnath Temple invaded by Mahmud of Ghazni ?

a. 1025 A.D.

b. 1009 A.D.

c. 1027 A.D.

d. 1000 A.D.

Ans: a.

51. Qutub-ud-Din Aibak was an important ruler of __________.

a. Slave dynasty

b. Khilji dynasty

c. Lodi dynasty

d. Tughlaq dynasty

Ans: a.

52. Which of the following was common both to the Harappan society and the Rigvedic society ?

a. Iron implements

b. Female deities

c. Urban centres

d. Horses

Ans: d.

53. What was the main occupation of the Paleolithic people ?

a. Mining

b. Animal husbandry

c. Agriculture

d. Hunting and gathering food

Ans: d.

54. Why did the British government summon the first Round Table Conference in London ?

a. To discuss the Nehru report

b. To sign the pact with Gandhi

c. To discuss the Simon Commission report

d. To finalise the partition of the country

Ans: a.

55. Where is Mohenjo-daro situated ?

a. Shind province in Pakistan

b. Afghanistan

c. Punjab state in Pakistan

d. Gujarat state in India

Ans: a.

56. Name the Italian traveler who left a very praiseworthy account of the Vijayanagar empire ?

a. Marco Polo

b. Tome Pires

c. Nicolo Conti

d. Barbosa

Ans: c.

57. _________ are believed to be the earliest settlers of India.

a. Kols

b. Aryans

c. Huns

d. Dravidians

Ans: a.

58. What did the Indus Valley Civilisation represent ?

a. Nomadic culture

b. Tribal culture

c. Urban culture

d. Rural culture

Ans: c.

59. The caste system was more rigid during the ___________ as compared to the Gupta age.

a. Mauriyan age

b. Harshavardhan rule

c. Mughal age

d. Sultanate period

Ans: a.

60. Clive laid the foundation of the British Empire by winning the battle of ____________.

a. Wandiwash

b. Panipat

c. Plassey

d. Buxar

Ans: c.

61. Between whom was the Battle of Buxar fought in 1764 A.D. ?

a. The English and Haider Ali

b. The Nizam and the English

c. The English and Marathas

d. The English and Mir Qasim

Ans: d.

62. Razia Sultana belongs to the _________ Dynasty.

a. Slave

b. Tughlaq

c. Ghori

d. Khilji

Ans: a.

63. In Indian history, which period is regarded as the age of ''Hindu Renaissance'' ?

a. Gupta Period

b. British Period

c. Mauryan Period

d. Bahmani Period

Ans: a.

64. ___________ immediately preceded the Jallianwala Bagh carnage.

a. Passage of Rowlatt Act

b. Coming of the Simon Commission

c. Partition of Bengal

d. Mahatma Gandhi's salt satyagraha

Ans: a.

65. When was the Second Battle of Tarain fought ?

a. 1196

b. 1192

c. 1197

d. 1191

Ans: b.

66. Who is the author of famous book ''Ramcharitmanas'' ?

a. Kalidas

b. Tulsidas

c. Alberuni

d. Valmiki

Ans: b.

67. Who was the 24th Tirthankara of Jainism ?

a. Lord Mahavira

b. Lord Neminath

c. Lord Parshvanath

d. Lord Rishabhdev

Ans: a.

68. Jesus Christ was born in ______.

a. 2 B.C.

b. 2 A.D.

c. 4 B.C.

d. 4 A.D.

Ans: c.

69. The Indus Valley Civilisation flourished during :

a. 5000-3500 B.C.

b. 3000-1500 B.C.

c. 2500-1750 B.C.

d. 1500-500 B.C.

Ans: c.

70. The main characteristic of the Indus Valley Civilisation was :

a. Town planning

b. Drainage system

c. Well laid out roads

d. Pucca houses

Ans: a.

71. The Indus Valley Civilisation belongs to the :

a. Neolithic age

b. Palaeolithic age

c. Chalcolithic age

d. Mesolithic age

Ans: a.

72. The earliest city discovered in India was :

a. Harappa

b. Rangpur

c. Mohenjo-daro

d. Sindh

Ans: b.

73. How many Indian languages share the Devanagiri script ?

a. Four

b. Five

c. Six

d. Ten

Ans: a.

74. The 'Panchsheel Principles' were jointly initiated in 1954 by India, China and ________ ?

a. Nepal

b. Myanmar

c. Pakistan

d. Bhutan

Ans: b.

75. Dyarchy was introduced in India under the _________.

a. Government of India Act, 1935

b. Government of India Act, 1919

c. Gandhi-Irwin Pact

d. Special Act of 1945

Ans: b.

76. Who can be said to have laid the foundation of the British Empire in India ?

a. Richard Wellesley

b. Robert Clive

c. John Canning

d. Lord Dalhousie

Ans: b.

77. In which year did Robert Clive become the Governor of Bengal ?

a. 1768

b. 1756

c. 1758

d. 1746

Ans: c.

78. The Vernacular Press Act was passed in _________.

a. 1887

b. 1868

c. 1858

d. 1878

Ans: d.

79. The Quit India Resolution was passed by the Congress leader on _________.

a. August 2, 1942

b. August 8, 1942

c. November 14, 1942

d. October 2, 1942

Ans: b.

80. Which incident gave birth to the Swadeshi Movement and the boycott of foreign goods in India ?

a. The Partition of Bengal

b. Jallianwala Bagh Massacre

c. Chauri Chaura Incident

d. Home Rule Movement

Ans: a.

81. Queen Victoria gave the Governor General of India the title of Viceroy. Who was the first Viceroy of India ?

a. Lord Canning

b. Lord Mountbatten

c. Sir John Shore

d. Robert Clive

Ans: a.

82. In which year was the capital of India Shifted from Calcutta to Delhi ?

a. 1912

b. 1911

c. 1909

d. 1910

Ans: b.

83. Who conferred the title of ''Mahatma'' upon Gandhiji ?

a. Pt Jawaharlal Nehru

b. Subash Chandra Bose

c. Rabindranath Tagore

d. Womesh Chunder Bonnerjee

Ans: c.

84. Which historic event can be associated with April 6, 1930 ?

a. Dandi March

b. Quit India Movement

c. Chauri Chaura

d. Jallianwala Bagh Massacre

Ans: a.

85. Who announced the Partition of India into two separate states, India and Pakistan, in 1947 ?

a. Lord Dalhousie

b. Lord Canning

c. Lord Curzon

d. Lord Mountbatten

Ans: d.

86. Who is also known as ''Frontier Gandhi'' ?

a. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad

b. Swami Ramakrishna

c. Muhammad Ali Jinnah

d. Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan

Ans: d.

87. Which one of the following items is related to Dandi March ?

a. Water

b. Salt

c. Sugar

d. Milk

Ans: b.

88. In which year did Hitler become the Chancellor of Germany ?

a. 1933 A.D.

b. 1924 A.D.

c. 1939 A.D.

d. 1945 A.D.

Ans: a.

89. By what name was Delhi known in the old days ?

a. Gaya

b. Ayodhya

c. Indraprastha

d. Pataliputra

Ans: c.

90. Vande Mataram was first sung at the session of the Indian National Congress (INC) in :

a. 1904

b. 1896

c. 1892

d. 1886

Ans: b.

91. The first session of the Indian National Congress was held under the Presidentship of :

a. Badruddin Tyyabji

b. A.O. Hume

c. B. Malabari

d. Womesh Chunder Bonnerjee

Ans: d.

92. Who among the following pioneered Khilafat Movement ?

a. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

b. Muhammad Ali Jinnah

c. Mahatma Gandhi

d. Ali Brothers

Ans: d.

93. The title ' Punjab Kesari' was conferred on :

a. Ranjit Singh

b. Bhagat Singh

c. Sardar Baldev Singh

d. Lala Lajpat Rai

Ans: d.

94. The Non-Cooperation Movement was launched by :

a. Dadabhai Naoroji

b. Jawaharlal Nehru

c. Chhittaranjan Das

d. Mahatma Gandhi

Ans: d.

95. The most important feature of the Government of India Act of 1919 was the introduction of :

a. Dyarchy

b. Separate electorate

c. Provincial autonomy

d. Adult franchise

Ans: a.

96. The first women president of the Indian National Congress was :

a. Kasturba Gandhi

b. Sarojini Naidu

c. Annie Besant

d. Vijayalakshmi Pandit

Ans: c.

97. The Chauri-Chaura incident (during Non-cooperation Movement) relates to :

a. the burning of a police post by a mob

b. large scale looting of government property by Congress workers

c. massive police firing on unarmed Satyagrahis

d. a major offensive by underground revolutionaries

Ans: a.

98. Jallianwala Bagh massacre occurred on :

a. January 30, 1918

b. August 14, 1920

c. April 13, 1919

d. July 3, 1930

Ans: c.

99. During the Indian Freedom Struggle, the Simon Commission was appointed to :

a. examine the working of the reforms of 1919

b. determine the relations of the British Government with the Indian states

c. review the provisions of the Rowlatt Act.

d. explore the possibility of granting dominion status of India

Ans: a.

100. From where did Mahatma Gandhi start his historic Dandi March ?

a. Champaran

b. Dandi

c. Chauri Chaura

d. Sabarmati Ashram

Ans: d.

101. The first Indian university was opened at ________ in 1857.

a. Madras

b. Calcutta

c. Bombay

d. Banaras

Ans: b.

102. The system of budged was introduced in India during the viceroyalty of :

a. Lord Dalhousie

b. Lord Canning

c. Lord Ripon

d. Lord Elgin

Ans: b.

103. The first census was conducted in India at the time of :

a. Lord Dufferin

b. Lord Lytton

c. Lord Ripon

d. Lord Mayo

Ans: d.

104. Who was known as the ''Liberator of the Press'' ?

a. Lord Willing Bentinck

b. Lord Hastings

c. Lord Metcalfe

d. Thomas Babington Macaulay

Ans: c.

105. The Doctrine of Lapse was introduced by :

a. Lord Wellesley

b. Warren Hastings

c. Lord Canning

d. Lord Dalhousie

Ans: d.

106. Who amongst the following Englishmen was a fellow of Gandhiji in South Africa ?

a. Charls Frees Andrews

b. Henry Polak

c. Peterson

d. None of these

Ans: b.

107. The Veracular Press Act of 1878, adopted by Lord Lytton, intended to :

a. help English newspapers

b. promote freedom of the press

c. restrain newspapers published in Indian Languages

d. curb freedom of the press in general

Ans: c.

108. Who was the British PM at the time of Revolt of 1857 ?

a. Winstone Churchill

b. Viscount Palmerston Pamstern

c. Clement Attle

d. William Ewart Gladstone

Ans: b.

109. Lord Curzon is best known for which of the following ?

a. University Act of 1904

b. Partition of Bengal on 1905

c. Indian Councils Act of 1892

d. Government of India Act of 1909

Ans: b.

110. Who gave the slogan ''Inquilab Zindabad ?

a. Mahatma Gandhi

b. Subash Chandra Bose

c. Iqbal

d. Bhagat Singh

Ans: c.

111. Gandhiji  started the Satyagraha Movement in 1919 in protest against the :

a. Simon Commission

b. Champaran wrongs

c. Enactment of Rowlatt Act

d. Colonial Exploitation of India

Ans: c.

112. The Quit India Movement started at :

a. Delhi on Aug. 15, 1942

b. Lahore on July 7, 1942

c. Bombay on Aug. 8, 1942

d. Wardha on Aug. 7, 1942

Ans: c.

113. When Subhas Chandra Bose resigned as the President of INC, who was appointed in his place ?

a. Abdul Kalam Azad

b. Pattabhi Sitaramiah

c. C. Rajagopalachari

d. Dr. Rajendra Prasad

Ans: d.

114. The Montague-Chelmsford Report formed the basis of :

a. the Indian Council Act, 1909

b. the Government of India Act, 1919

c. the Government of India Act, 1935

d. the Indian Independence Act, 1947

Ans: b.

115. Mahatma Gandhi gave the call ''Do or Die'' during the :

a. Khilafat Movement

b. Non-Cooperation Movement

c. Civil Disobedience Movement

d. Quit India Movement

Ans: d.

116. Who was the British Prime  Minister at the time of Second Round Table Conference

a. Ramsay MacDonald

b. Clement Attlee

c. Neville Chamberlain

d. None of these

Ans: a.

117. Mahatma Gandhi entered into freedom struggle in India in the year :

a. 1911

b. 1917

c. 1919

d. 1915

Ans: d.

118. The Capital of India was shifted to Delhi during the reign of :

a. Minto

b. Lord Curzon

c. Chelmsford

d. Hardinge

Ans: d.

119. Before Delhi, what was the capital of India during the British India ?

a. Lucknow

b. Calcutta

c. Patna

d. Bombay

Ans: b.

120. Swarajya was declared as the goal of Congress at its session held in 1906 at :

a. Bombay

b. Calcutta

c. Madras

d. Lucknow

Ans: b.

121. Who headed the Cabinet Mission ?

a. Sir  Stafford Cripps

b. A.V. Alexander

c. Lord Pethick Lawrence

d. None of these

Ans: c.

122. The Indian National Army (I.N.A) came into existence in :

a. Burma

b. Japan

c. Singapore

d. Malaysia

Ans: a.

123. What was the main cause of the failure of 1857 mutiny ?

a. It was premature

b. The British got  French support

c. Lack of planning and leadership

d. The British numbered more

Ans: c.

124. Name the Governor-General when the 1857 revolt broke out.

a. Lord Curzon

b. Lawrence

c. Lord Canning

d. Lord Dalhousie

Ans: c.

125. During whose rule was the Indian Civil Service introduced ?

a. Lord Curzon

b. Lord Dalhousie

c. Lord  Cornwallis

d. Lord Bentinck

Ans: c.

126. ____________ introduced English education in India.

a. Lord Dalhousie

b. Lord Lawrence

c. Lord Curzon

d. Lord Macaulay

Ans: d.

127. Name the first fortified English port in India.

a. Fort  St George

b. Masulipatam

c. Armagaon

d. Surat

Ans: c.

128. ______________ was the ultimate goal of Gandhi's Salt Satyagraha.

a. Curtailment of the Government's power

b. Economic relief to the common people

c. Repeal of salt laws

d. 'Purna swaraj' for India

Ans: d.

129. What was the movement that came to an abrupt end due to the Chauri Chaura incident ?

a. Home rule movement

b. Civil Disobedience movement

c. Non-cooperation movement

d. Wahabi movement

Ans: c.

130. ______ was the Viceory  of India when the  Quit India Movement started in 1942.

a. Lord Linlithgow

b. Lord Willingdon

c. Lord Wavell

d. None of these

Ans: a.

131. Mahadev Govind Ranade was associated with _________.

a. India League

b. Prarthana Swamaj

c. Arya Awamaj

d. Theosophical Society

Ans: b.

132. Where did Lala Lajpat Rai sustain fatal injuries while protesting against Simon Commission in a demonstration ?

a. Amritsar

b. Meerut

c. Lahore

d. Jallandhar

Ans: c.

133. When was the Individual Civil Disobedience Movement launched ?

a. 1947

b. 1942

c. 1940

d. 1945

Ans: c.

134. __________ gave Vallabhbhai Patel the title of 'Sardar'.

a. Muhammad Ali Jinnah

b. C. Rajagopalachari

c. Mahatma Gandhi

d. Jawaharlal Nehru

Ans: c.

135. Who was the Congress President when India became free ?

a. Sardar Patel

b. Jawaharlal Nehru

c. Mahatma Gandhi

d. Jivatram Bhagwandas Kripalani

Ans: d.

136. In __________ the British Government announced for the first time dominion status as the goal of British policy in India.

a. 1935

b. 1929

c. 1932

d. 1922

Ans: b.

137. Who demarcated the boundary between India and Pakistan ?

a. Sir Cyril Radcliffe

b. Sir Strafford Cripps

c. Lord Mountbatten

d. Lord Lawrence

Ans: a.

138. During whose Viceroyalty was the Rowlatt Act passed ?

a. Minto-II

b. Hardinge-II

c. Lord Chelmsford

d. None of these

Ans: c.

139. ___________ attended all the three Round Table Conference.

a. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

b. M. Malaviya

c. Vallabhbhai Patel

d. None of these

Ans: a.

140. By whom was the Individual Satyagraha inaugurated on 17 October 1940 ?

a. Jawaharlal Nehru

b. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

c. Acharya Vinoba Bhave

d. Mahatma Gandhi

Ans: c.

141. On February 20, _________, Prime Minister, Attlee announced the British Government's decision to withdraw from India latest by :

a. 1945

b. 1947

c. 1948

d. 1946

Ans: b.

142. In which of the following movement did Mahatma Gandhi make the first use of hunger strike as a weapon ?

a. Non-cooperation movement, 1920-1922

b. Rowlatt satyagraha, 1919

c. Ahmedabad strike, 1918

d. Bardoli satyagraha, 1928

Ans: c.

143. __________ gave representation to Indians for the first time in the legislature.

a. Indian Council Act, 1919

b. Indian Council Act, 1909

c. Government of India

d. None of these

Ans: c.

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