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                               SORTING ASSISTANTS


1. Last night, my car (P)/so I went there (Q)/ on foot (R)/ broke down (S).

          The correct sequence should be :

          a. PQSR

          b. SPQR

          c. SRQP

          d. PSQR

          ANS: D

2. After the leader was arrested (P) by the local police force (Q) the riot was controlled (R) before any serious damage.(S)

        The correct sequence should be :


         a. SQRP

         b. RQSP

         c. RSPQ

         d. SPQR

         ANS: B

3. The hourglass is two triangles (P)  in size (Q) which are equal (R) made of (S).

         The proper sequence should be :

          a. PRSQ

          b. PSRQ

          c. SPRQ

          d. QSPR

          ANS : B

4. He held a torch in his right hand and which looked old enough (P) to have belonged to his grandfather (Q) he carried a torn bag (R) in his left hand (S).

         The correct sequence should be :

          a. SPQR

          b. RSPQ

          c. SRPQ

          d. RQSP

          ANS : C

5. As far as we can see there are at least a hundred bilion galaxies (P) with our ever improving telescopes (Q) each, an ''island universe'' containing billions of stars (R) arrayed throughout the universe (S).

          The proper sequence should be :

          a. PRSQ

          b. PSRQ

          c. QRPS

          d. QPRS

          ANS : D

6. Over millions of years, water is undrinkable (P) the amount of salt in (Q) so much that sea (R) the ocean has built up (S).

      The proper sequence should be :

       a. QSRP

       b. SQRP

       c. QRPS

       d. SRPQ

      ANS : B

7. Being accustomed to hearing of the colonel's heroism and bravery, so quickly and adjectly (P) all of us were shocked (Q) to know (R) that he surendered before the enemy (S).

      The correct sequence should be :

      a. QRSP

      b. RPQS

      c. PQRS

      d. RQPS

       ANS : A

8. The leader of the opposition in the manner he had planned to convince them (P) on realising that he had failed to convince the assembly (Q) who had a reputation for speech making (R) was very much disappointed (S).

      The correct sequence should be :

      a. QSRP

      b. PSRQ

      c. SPRQ

      d. RSQP

      ANS: D

9. Raksha and Lata if they studied hard (P) could pass their examinations easily (Q) with all their heart and soul (R) and did not waste their time (S).

The correct sequence should be :

        a. QPRS

        b. PRQS

        c. QRPS

        d. RQPS

       ANS: A

10. S1 : An examination is not a sure test of a student's ability.

       S6 : They are motivated by the simple desire to pass the examination at any cost.
       P : But an intelligent student may bag only poor marks.

       Q : A great ctammer can easily get good marks.

       R : It is a gamble which even intelligent students may lose.

      S : Crammers are not necessaryily scholars.

      The proper sequence should be :

     a. RSPQ

     b. RQPS

     c. PSRQ

     d. PQRS

     ANS : B

11. S1 : Trying to be one's own doctor is a dangerous practice.

      S6 : Outdated tetracycline, for example, can cause liver damage.

      P   : Though it may seem safe, the reaction of the drug may be different because of the patient's                      condition.

      Q  : Thereafter, they lose their medicinal value and can even be harmful.

      R  : Taking pills left over from a prescriftion is an everyday misuse of medication.

      S   : Also; drugs carelessly stored may become outdated. 

      The proper sequence should be :

      a. PRQS

      b. RPSQ

      c. RPQS

      d. RPSQ

      ANS : D

12. S1 : I have just heard from brother that you have been ill in the hospital for the last two weeks.

      S6 : As soon as you can write, let me know how you are.

      P   : But I am glad to know that the worst is now over.

      Q  : If I had known I would have written before.

      R  : I am very sorry to know that.

      S  : I hope you will soon be all right and coming out again.

      The proper sequence should be :

      a. QRSP
      b. QRPS

      c. RQSP

      d. RQPS

       ANS : D

13. S1 : Konark was worth all the trouble imagination.

      S6 : And the building was never entirely finished.

      P   : The temple was dedicated to the sun God, Surya.

      Q  : It was build in the mid-thirteenth century.

      R  : But the central pyramid, rising to over 200 feet, began to crack.

      S  : It was the largest Hindu temple in eastern India.

      The proper sequence should be :

      a. QSPR

      b. QPRS

      c. PSRQ

      d. PQSR

      ANS : D

                    TO BE CONTINUED.................................................

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